The Cheapest Places to Live in the World – 2017

After an election where the candidate who ran on a platform of hate lost the popular vote but won the presidency, many fearful Americans are ready to bolt. Add to that the Brits who got their own isolationist shock and are no longer going to be part of the EU. Then add the Canadians and Aussies who have watched their earnings power erode (but not prices) and are looking at cheaper options. It’s a recipe for lots of emigration to destinations with a cheaper cost of living.

If you’re going to make a big move abroad, you might as well make it financially advantageous too.

There are a lot more people looking at living abroad than there were when all the economic signs were pointing up and to the right. Regardless of what happens in the markets, the expatriate life in 2017 should be especially attractive for Americans. This strong dollar will continue for a while thanks to already announced fiscal plans. Check out this quote from Bloomberg News.

There is likely to be some scope for U.S. dollar appreciation of at least another 5 percent,” Alan Ruskin, global co-head of foreign-exchange research in New York at Deutsche Bank, wrote in a note to clients. “A strong U.S. dollar is potentially a vital disinflationary offset to likely reflationary fiscal policy enacted when the economy is already at full employment.

Translation: If Trump’s announced inflationary plans become reality, the greenback is not going to weaken anytime soon. The peso, pound, and loonie probably aren’t going to rocket back up in the other direction either, at least not in the next 12 months.

better life for half the priceIf you’re looking at international living but need some guidance on where to go, my book A Better Life for Half the Price is the best bet. It’s got comprehensive run-d0wns for each place and the bonus docs help you figure out the best place to live for your budget and priorities. Premium packages add more in-depth info, a private Facebook group, or even one-on-one coaching.

Meanwhile, following is a quick cheat sheet to get you started with the cheapest places to live in the world.


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